Thursday, July 12, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance-Top 14 7/11/07

Last Night was a good show..Everyone danced well...The show began with Nigel talking about how he received a petition that was going around to bring Jessi back, because America didn't get to vote for her. He said there were over 1,000 signatures, but it was declined and then the show began...Last night's guest judge was the choreographer for Hairspray..Adam Shankman
The First couple to hit the stage were:

Lacey && Kameron-The Hustle-Maria Torez

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Lacey and Kameron started the night off right..I was blown away by this performance it was awesome...I have to agree with Adam that the showmanship was awesome. The dance overall was awesome..Nigel said that Kameron was missing some of the magic and that Lacey is outshining him in the performances and I have to agree Lacey gets more dancesteps than Kameron does and I find that kind of unfair for him, because the choreographer are holding him back on what he can really do...He is a terrific dancer and this dance was awesome....I loved it.

Second Couple: Shauna && Cedric-The Mambo-Alex Da Silva

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Did anyone else think it was really harsh for Alex Da Silva to say that since he had Cedric to work with he had to bring more assistants..WOW...I was so shocked when he said that I mean a choreographer should be nice to the dancers..That was just crazy..Well, I have to say this dance was better than I expected it to be...They went second again...HAHA...The beginning of the dance I felt like they both didn't have the feel of the dance...They were dancing it ok at first, but they weren't getting into it...Once it got into the solo parts where they were doing the heel did Cedric get into it...He was making all these faces when he was dancing to it and I was very shocked..Well Done..Nigel was also very proud Cedric and once again all judges agreed that Shauna was excellent.

Third Couple: Anya && Danny-Contemporary-Tyce Diorio

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Out of the whole dance I like the floor part...They really seemed to be into the dance...But once they would seperate it did look like two separate dances...I agree with Mary on that...
Nigel said that Anya is connected with her emotions and Danny just has technique.
Adam said they is a slight arrogance when Danny dances, as in he think he has already won the competition and I totally agree... Danny is a great dancer, but because of his arrogance, he starts to annoy me..Besides that the dance was beautiful.

Fourth Couple: Sara && Pasha-West Coast Swing-Benji Schwimmer

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WOW...was this dance awesome or what? I did not think they would do well with each other, but i think over the week they had off they probably got to know each other and started to feel comfortable with each other and you can see it in the dance...The dance was also choreographed by Season 2's winner Benji...since he is the King of Swing..Loved the dance...My favorite of the night..Nigel also agrees saying "Everyone has been waiting for the magic and there it was"..

Fifth Couple: Sabra && Dominic-Hip Hop-Shane Sparks

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Man I have been waiting so long for this couple to get Hip Hop...I wasn't how I expected it to be, but it was really good...It was kind of like a contemporary Hip Hop routine....I loved it...These two are my favorite couple and they have bringing every week since they were in the bottom three in the first week on the show...Loved the chemistry between them was amazing
Nigel said the dance reminded him of a dance from Season 2 with Ivan and the umbrella...Never seen it...HAHA..Mary said they earn another seat on the Hot Tomalley Train...She did a silent scream which made her look psycho lol..Loved the dance it was really good..

Sixth Couple:Jaimie && Hok-Waltz-Toni Reopath

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Apparently, little Miss Jaimie has a little crush on Hok...You can kind of tell he does with what she was doing after the dance...Touching his face, hugging him, and giving him kisses..I actually thought they did pretty well...Judges didn't agree though...They felt Hok can't dance the Waltz well, but Jaimie carried herself well and was beautiful...The dance for me was boring, but i did watch it and they did good...

Seventh Couple:Lauren && Neil-Jazz-Wade Robson

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Why can't Wade choreograph every dance? He is amazing...This dance was soo cute...Loved Neil's crazy hair that came out by the end of the dance...In my opinion, I do not like Lauren at all...Past weeks she hasn't been bringing it and then her DFYL sucked...I really wanted her to go last week, but this week she did very well...I'll give her that one lol...

My Favorite of the Night were:

1. Sara && Pasha
2. Sabra && Dominic
3. Lauren && Neil

My Bottom Three are:
1. Cedric && Shauna-even though they did pretty good.
2. Jaimie && Hok
3. Anya && Danny- Maybe I have this
Who do you think is going to be in the Bottom Three?
Let me know...Write a comment...
I will update tomorrow on who left...Until then, Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw dominic and sabra kiss under the hat!!!!!!!! :)