Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New Show to Blog about????

Hello Hello Hello..This thursday is when this years So You Think You Can Dance is officially over...Now that it is over, what am I going to be blogging about? Well, there are some new fall shows coming on and you let me know which one you want me to blog about. Here is the poll:

1.Beauty and the Geek-September 18th
2.America's Next Top Model-September 19th
3.The Bachelor-September 24th
4.Dancing with the Stars-September 24th

Leave me a comment and let me know which one you want me to cover this fall. The one with the highest votes will be the new show blog lol..Thanks


Anonymous said...

I vote for either The Bachelor or America's Next Top Model!!

Unknown said...

Please blog about Beauty and the Geek. I promise I will comment every week just like on So You Think You Can Dance.