I thought this routine was HOT...It was hilarious when they had to clipboard for Danny's protection and it said yes and no haha...I loved the pretzel move she did it was awesome...Danny did like a gazillion pirouttes it was amazing. I wish I could do that. HAHA. Oh and Sara's boots were HOT..lol
This was an OK routine, Lauren was hitting it hard and Dominic was getting all the facial expressions right. So, I thought they had what each other needed. LOL. I can't believe Lauren fell. At first, I thought it was apart of the routine, but when Nigel asked about it, she actually did fall. It was crazy. I would have never thought someone would fall, but hey anything can happen on a show like this.
What a way to get votes Neil...Don't wear a shirt...I don't think it was his fault that he didn't wear a shirt...I guess the stylist told him not to, but I am happy they did, because it was a pretty nice view..HAHA...I totally agree with Adam when he said that Lacey doesn't connect with her partner, she is always looking out into the audience..It is a bad habit, but I did like the routine.
I LOVED it...It was amazing.. I love broadway...they are always so fun and fun to watch and you can tell that Sabra and Pasha were enjoying themselves...They were definitely the best couple of the night. It was so cute with the little boy holding the sign that said "When I grow up I want to be like Pasha" awwwww...How adorable. Love them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...were their costumes hilarious. Adam was cracking on them for like ages...LOL...Sara did great she outshined Danny. It was crazy the background between Shane and Danny and how Shane didn't want Danny in the Top 20. WOW..I didn't know that...Nigel was saying something like Sara was doing it to good and her and Danny had to be at the same level...something like that...I was like WHAT?!...she was so good, so he shouldn't be saying that. Sara is one of my favorites. Actually, my only favorite girl.
This routine was HOT...I like it alot...Lauren almost fell again..She was like about to trip..I CAN'T BELIEVED THEY KISSED AT THE END..I wonder if that was planned or Dominic was getting into the moment.HAHA...It did remind me of Dominic and Sabra's rumba, because of the lighting and the clothing...It looked all very similar, but it was a great performance.
One Word:BEAUTIFUL. Very emotional, great acting between the two. Lacey can really pull off the little girl look. I believed she was a little girl and I believe Neil was the Older man. It was great...alot of people crying. Mary must be going through some tuff times now, because she was just crying buckets lol...Mia Michaels has fianlly got her swager back. Another good routine.
LOVED IT...It was soo cute...Season 3 is making the quickstep better...Their outfits were hilarious, but it went with the song. So props to them, they were the best couple of the night...WOO go Pasha and Sabra.
I wonder who will be in the bottom 4 and who will be leaving. Let me know who you think is leaving tonight and I will be doing a review of the show tomorrow. Until then, Peace.
Ok first off I need to say that I was bawling after the Mia Micheal's routine. It was soooo emotional and done very beautifully!
I could't believe that Dominic and Lauren kissed at the end. I thought it was just really, really close at first so I backed up my tv and I saw it was real. I could't believe it.
Pasha and Sabra were really good in the quickstep. I was wondering if you could do me a favor though. Could you send me an email on American Idol for a link to see Pasha and Sabra's broadway and Sara and Danny's hip hop. I missed it because of the Minnepolis news since I live in Fargo which is only about 3 hours away.
Thank you sooooooooo much
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